Two situations in which you should use a proofreading service

7 December 2021
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog


Here are two examples of situations in which you might find a proofreading service useful.

You have dyslexia and are about to do a masters' degree

If you're starting your masters and are dyslexic, then you might find it helpful to have a proofreader check your essays and any other important written coursework before you submit it. Even if you've informed the university about your dyslexia and they make allowances when marking your coursework, it could still be hugely helpful to use a proofreading service.

The common symptoms of dyslexia, such as confusing words that look similar when written down (like deer and dear, for example) and misspelling words to the point where the person reading them may not be able to decipher their meaning, might make your written coursework difficult for your supervisors and lecturers to interpret.

As such, if they're aware of your dyslexia and you don't get your written coursework proofread before submitting it, they may ask you to have a post-essay-submission meeting with them every time you submit something new so that they can ask you if, for instance, you meant to use a certain word that seems out of context in a certain sentence or to find out what word you intended to use but ended up misspelling.  

Having to do this very regularly could eat into your study periods and become frustrating. However, if you get a proofreader to check over your written coursework beforehand, you should be able to simply submit and get your work marked, without having to have any additional meetings with your lecturers or supervisors.

You're studying part-time whilst also holding down a job

If you're doing a part-time course whilst also holding down a job, you should invest in a proofreading service when the time comes to submit any written coursework. In these circumstances, you will probably end up cutting back on the hours that you sleep to squeeze in some essay writing after a long work shift or might find yourself finishing essays whilst you're on the train or bus to work or during your lunch breaks.

Being sleep-deprived and writing in a busy environment is more likely to result in you getting distracted and making typos that you would not normally make. Furthermore, even if you check over your coursework before submitting it, there's a good chance you won't notice your own typos, due to being exhausted or in a rush when you're doing this.

As such, if you don't want to lose marks just because you need to work whilst completing your studies, you should let a professional check over your written coursework before submitting it; they'll be able to catch any poor grammar, typos and other errors that would otherwise result in you getting a low mark.